Mental as Everything + Q&A

Under The Microscope presents a special screening of MENTAL AS EVERYTHING on International Mental Health Day. Winner of several awards and screened at film festivals internationally, Melbourne made film, Mental As Everything, follows singer-songwriter Damon Smith, as he shares his deeply personal experience of living with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and bipolar disorder, backed by his anxious accompanist, Adam Coad, in a show that fathoms the highs and lows of living with a mental illness.

Adapted from a highly acclaimed cabaret show that performed at festivals and theatres across Australia, The film was a finalist in the coveted ‘Outstanding Documentary’ category in Melbourne Documentary Film Festival, took out awards in film festivals internationally, and was featured on both ABC and SBS in 2022.

SYNOPSIS: Damon has estimated that he has spent around 50 thousand hours of his life, so far, participating in absurd ritualistic behaviours associated with his obsessive Compulsive Disorder. With a diagnosis of both, OCD and Bipolar Disorder, and with the help of his anxious friend, Adam, these two touring, Australian musicians, will share, with original music, preposterous humour and outlandish animations, the intricate and debilitating nature of what it is like to live and talk about mental illness in a world where it’s ok to talk about a broken arm but not ok to talk about a broken mind.

120 MINS

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