Slim & I

Joy is [an Australian] national treasure... I call her the quiet feminist of country music. ” Pictures in Paradise founder, Chris Brown

The life and career of Joy McKean OAM, Australia’s First Lady of country music and wife of Aussie icon Slim Dusty, is showcased in this fascinating feature documentary, Slim & I.

Australia’s Queen of country music, Joy McKean takes us on the road of her life, revealing the story of her career, her decades of touring around Australia, her marriage of more than fifty years to Slim Dusty, and her determination to be recognized as a performer and songwriter in her own right.

In addition to featuring interviews and performances from Australia’s biggest names in country music, including Missy Higgins, Troy Cassar-Daley, Keith Urban and Paul Kelly, the film contains extracts of the family’s extensive home movies spanning 40 years.


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